TC Kids Update

Thank you for helping us update our database in preparation for launching our preschool class on July 4. We need accurate info as all children will have to be checked in in order to attend children's ministry classes or services. Have a question? Please ask us-

Interested in joining our TC Kids team? We are growing in order to better serve the kids and families in our church and community. Follow this link:
Child's Info

Answer based on the grade they will be in this fall.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Your Contact Info

Family Info



Thank you for helping us update our database in preparation for launching our preschool class on July 4. We need accurate info as all children will have to be checked in in order to attend children's ministry classes or services. Have a question? Please ask us-

Interested in joining our TC Kids team? We are growing in order to better serve the kids and families in our church and community. Follow this link: